Ana Sayfa » Erasmus Kurumlararası Anlaşmalar
Erasmus Kurumlararası Anlaşmalar
2021- Bölümlere göre anlaşmalarımız için tıklayınız. ( İndirmede sorun yaşamanız durumunda Mozilla Firefox tarayıcısını kullanabilirsiniz)
Universities | Erasmus ID's | |
1 | Medical University of Graz | A GRAZ 23 |
2 | Medical University of Innsbruck | A INNSBRU21 |
3 | Katholisch-theologische privatunıversitat linz | A LINZ11 |
4 | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | B BRUSSEL01 |
5 | Erasmushogeschool Brussel | B BRUSSEL46 |
6 | International University College | BG ALBENA 01 |
7 | American University in Bulgaria | BG BLAGOEV 03 |
8 | Burgas Free University | BG BOURGAS 01 |
9 | Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov University | BG BOURGAS02 |
10 | Technical University of Gabrova | BG GABROVO01 |
11 | Medical University of Pleven | BG PLEVEN01 |
12 | Agricultural University- Plovdiv | BG PLOVDIV01 |
13 | Medical University - Plovdiv | BG PLOVDIV02 |
14 | Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv Üniversitesi | BG PLOVDIV04 |
15 | University of Food Technology | BG PLOVDIV05 |
16 | Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts Plovdiv | BG PLOVDIV07 |
17 | Angel Kanchev University of Ruse(UR) | BG ROUSSE01 |
18 | Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen | BG SHOUMEN01 |
19 | New Bulgarian University | BG SOFIA02 |
20 | University of National and World Economy | BG SOFIA03 |
21 | Sofia Universtiy Saint Kliment Ohridski | BG SOFIA06 |
22 | National Academy of Art | BG SOFIA08 |
23 | Medical University of Sofia | BG SOFIA11 |
24 | Sofia Technical University | BG SOFIA16 |
25 | Vasil Levski Ulusal Spor Akademisi | BG SOFIA17 |
26 | Todor Kableshkov University of Transport | BG SOFIA22 |
27 | University of Telecommunications and Post- Sofia | BG SOFIA28 |
28 | Bulgarian Academy of science | BG SOFIA30 |
29 | Trakia Universtiy - Stara Zagora | BG STARA-Z 01 |
30 | Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" | BG VARNA 01 |
31 | Medical University - Varna | BG VARNA 03 |
32 | University of Economics - Varna | BG VARNA 04 |
33 | St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo | BG VELIKO 01 |
34 | Technical University of Liberec | CZ LIBEREC01 |
35 | University of Ostrava | CZ OSTRAVA02 |
36 | Czech University of Life Science Prague | CZ PRAHA02 |
37 | Jana Evangelistty Purkyne v Usti Labem University | CZ USTINAD01 |
38 | Tomas Bata University in Zlin | CZ ZLIN 01 |
39 | Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin (ASH BERLIN) | D BERLIN05 |
40 | Braunschweig Teknik Üniversitesi | D BRAUNSC01 |
41 | Chemnitz University of Technology | D CHEMNIT01 |
42 | Hochschule Düsseldırf, University of Applied Sciences | D DUSSELD03 |
43 | Friedrich Alexander Universitat Erlangen-NURNBERG | D ERLANGE01 |
44 | Hochschule Kaiserslautern, University of Applied Sciences | D KAISERS02 |
45 | Paedagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe | D KARLSRU02 |
47 | Müsikhochschule Lübeck | D LUBECK02 |
48 | SDI Muchen (University of Applied Languages ) | D MUNCHEN11 |
49 | Offenburg University of Applied Sciences | D OFFENBU 01 |
50 | University of Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 |
51 | University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden | D SCHMALK 01 |
52 | Aalborg University | DK ALBORG01 |
53 | Universidad del Pais Vasco | E BILBAO01 |
54 | The Autonomous University of Madrid | E MADRID04 |
55 | Real Conservatorio Superior De Musica De Madrid | E MADRID27 |
56 | Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de València (CSMV) | E VALENCI67 |
57 | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLAD01 |
58 | Tallin University of Technology (TalTech) | EE TALLINN04 |
59 | Tallın Health Care College | EE TALLINN12 |
60 | Estonian University of Life Sciences | EE TARTU01 |
61 | National and Kapodistrian Universtiy of Athens | G ATHINE01 |
62 | Technological Educational Ins. (TEI) Athens | G ATHINE34 |
63 | Ionian University | G ATHINE42 |
64 | Ionnına University | G IONNIN01 |
65 | Democritos University of Thrace | G KOMOTIN01 |
66 | Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly | G LARISSA02 |
67 | University of Patras | G PATRA 01 |
68 | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | G THESSAL01 |
69 | Alexander Technological Educational Institute Of Thessaloniki | G THESSAL12 |
70 | University of Thessaly | G VOLOS01 |
71 | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek-UNIOS | HR OSIJEK01 |
72 | University of Zadar | HR ZADAR01 |
73 | University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zapresic | HR ZAPRESI01 |
74 | Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences | HU BUDAPEST 45 |
75 | University of Debrecen | HU DEBRECEN 01 |
76 | Szent Istvan Universtiy | HU GOGOLLO 01 |
77 | University of Szeged | HU SZEGED01 |
78 | Kodolanyi Janos Foiskola | HU SZFVAR01 |
79 | Universita Degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro | I BARI01 |
80 | University of Foggia | I FOGGIA03 |
81 | Universita Degli Studi di Firenze | I FRENZE01 |
82 | Milano University | I MILAN01 |
83 | Univeristy of Napoli | I NAPOLI01 |
84 | Universita Degli Studi " SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA" | I NAPOLI04 |
85 | Seconda Universita Degli Studi di Napoli | I NAPOLI09 |
86 | Conservatorio di Musica "Arrigo Boito" | I PARMA02 |
87 | Sapienza University of Rome | I ROMA01 |
88 | University of Salerno | I SALERNO01 |
89 | Sassari Universitesi | I SASSARI01 |
90 | Academia Di Belle Arti | INAPOLI06 |
91 | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 |
92 | Lietuvos Verslo Kolegija | LT KLAIPED 07 |
93 | Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences | LT KLAIPED09 |
94 | Northern Lıthuanıa College | LT SIAULIA02 |
95 | Siauliai State University SIAULIAI | LT SIAULIA03 |
96 | Vilnius University | LT VILNIUS01 |
97 | Lithunian University of Educational Sciences | LT VILNIUS04 |
98 | Mykolas Romeris University | LT VILNIUS06 |
99 | Vilnius College of Design and Technologies | LT VILNIUS14 |
100 | Rezeknes Augskola | LV REZEKNE02 |
101 | Riga Technical University | LV RIGA02 |
102 | "St Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola | MK BITOLA01 |
103 | International Balkan University | MK SKOPJE04 |
104 | State University of Tetova | MK TETOVO01 |
105 | Rotterdam University | NL ROTTERD03 |
106 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | P BARAGANC01 |
107 | Universidade De Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 |
108 | Universidade de Evora | P EVORA01 |
109 | Polytechnıc Instıtute Of Guarda | P GUARDA01 |
110 | Unicversity of Porto | P PORTO02 |
111 | Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska | PL BIALA01 |
112 | Bıalystok Unıversity of Technology | PL BIALYST01 |
113 | Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy | PL BYDGOSZ01 |
114 | University of Technology and Life Sciences | PL BYDGOSZ02 |
115 | Czestochowa University of Technology | PL CZESTOC01 |
116 | The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz | PL KALISZ01 |
117 | Jagiellonian University in Krakow | PL KRAKOW01 |
118 | Pedagogical University of Cracow | PL KRAKOW05 |
119 | Powislanski College In Kwıdzyn | PL KWIDZYN01 |
120 | Universitt of Lodz | PL LODZ01 |
121 | University Janski Based in Lomza | PL LOMZA04 |
122 | Lublin University of Technology | PL LUBLIN03 |
123 | Vincent Pol University in Lublin | PL LUBLIN08 |
124 | University of Warmia and Mazury in OLSZTYN | PL OLSZTYN01 |
125 | Pomeranian University | PL SLUPSK01 |
126 | University of Szczecin | PL SZCZECI01 |
127 | West Pomeranian University of Technology | PL SZCZECIN02 |
128 | Nicolaus Copernicus University | PL TORUN01 |
129 | University of Warsaw | PL WARZAW01 |
130 | Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa we Wloclawku | PL WLOCLAW02 |
121 | "Vasile Alecsandri" University | RO BACAU01 |
132 | Transilvania University of Brasov | RO BRASOV01 |
133 | Ovidius University of Constanta | RO CONSTAN02 |
134 | Craiova University | RO CRAIOVA01 |
135 | University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova | RO CRAIOVA02 |
136 | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IASI | RO IASI02 |
137 | Technical University of Iasi "George Asachı" | RO IASI05 |
138 | University of Oreda | RO ORADEA01 |
139 | University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu | RO TARGU02 |
140 | West University of Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 |
141 | Univeristy of Nish | RS NIS01 |
142 | International School for Social and Business Studies | SI CELJE03 |
143 | Ljubljana University | SI LJUBLJA01 |
144 | Marribor Universitesi | SI MARIBOR01 |
145 | University of Bredford | UK BRADFORD01 |
Bu içerik 07.02.2019 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 59733 kez okundu.