Erasmus Kurumlararası Anlaşmalar

2021- Bölümlere göre anlaşmalarımız için tıklayınız  ( İndirmede sorun yaşamanız durumunda Mozilla Firefox tarayıcısını kullanabilirsiniz)

Universities Erasmus ID's
1 Medical University of Graz A GRAZ 23
2 Medical University of Innsbruck A INNSBRU21
3 Katholisch-theologische privatunıversitat linz A LINZ11
4 Vrije Universiteit Brussel B BRUSSEL01
5 Erasmushogeschool Brussel B BRUSSEL46
6 International University College BG ALBENA 01
7 American University in Bulgaria BG BLAGOEV 03
8 Burgas Free University BG BOURGAS 01
9 Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov University BG BOURGAS02
10 Technical University of Gabrova BG GABROVO01
11 Medical University of Pleven BG PLEVEN01
12 Agricultural University- Plovdiv BG PLOVDIV01
13 Medical University - Plovdiv BG PLOVDIV02
14 Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv Üniversitesi BG PLOVDIV04
15 University of Food Technology BG PLOVDIV05
16 Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts Plovdiv BG PLOVDIV07
17 Angel Kanchev University of Ruse(UR) BG ROUSSE01
18 Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen BG SHOUMEN01
19 New Bulgarian University BG SOFIA02
20 University of National and World Economy BG SOFIA03
21 Sofia Universtiy Saint Kliment Ohridski BG SOFIA06
22 National Academy of Art BG SOFIA08
23 Medical University of Sofia BG SOFIA11
24 Sofia Technical University BG SOFIA16
25 Vasil Levski Ulusal Spor Akademisi BG SOFIA17
26 Todor Kableshkov University of Transport BG SOFIA22
27 University of Telecommunications and Post- Sofia BG SOFIA28
28 Bulgarian Academy of science BG SOFIA30
29 Trakia Universtiy - Stara Zagora BG STARA-Z 01
30 Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" BG VARNA 01
31 Medical University - Varna BG VARNA 03
32 University of Economics - Varna BG VARNA 04
33 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo BG VELIKO 01
34 Technical University of Liberec CZ LIBEREC01
35 University of Ostrava CZ OSTRAVA02
36 Czech University of Life Science Prague  CZ PRAHA02
37 Jana Evangelistty Purkyne v Usti Labem University CZ USTINAD01
38 Tomas Bata University in Zlin CZ ZLIN 01
39 Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin (ASH BERLIN) D BERLIN05
40 Braunschweig Teknik Üniversitesi D BRAUNSC01
41 Chemnitz University of Technology D CHEMNIT01
42 Hochschule Düsseldırf, University of Applied Sciences D DUSSELD03
43 Friedrich Alexander Universitat Erlangen-NURNBERG D ERLANGE01
44 Hochschule Kaiserslautern, University of Applied Sciences D KAISERS02
45 Paedagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe D KARLSRU02
47 Müsikhochschule Lübeck D LUBECK02
48 SDI Muchen (University of Applied Languages ) D MUNCHEN11
49 Offenburg University of Applied Sciences D OFFENBU 01
50 University of Potsdam D POTSDAM01
51 University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden D SCHMALK 01
52 Aalborg University DK ALBORG01
53 Universidad del Pais Vasco E BILBAO01
54 The Autonomous University of Madrid E MADRID04
55 Real Conservatorio Superior De Musica De Madrid E MADRID27
56 Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de València (CSMV) E VALENCI67
57 Universidad de Valladolid E VALLAD01
58 Tallin University of Technology (TalTech) EE TALLINN04
59 Tallın Health Care College EE TALLINN12
60 Estonian University of Life Sciences EE TARTU01
61 National and Kapodistrian Universtiy of Athens G ATHINE01
62 Technological Educational Ins. (TEI) Athens G ATHINE34
63 Ionian University G ATHINE42
64 Ionnına University G IONNIN01
65 Democritos University of Thrace G KOMOTIN01
66 Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly G LARISSA02
67 University of Patras G PATRA 01
68 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki G THESSAL01
69 Alexander Technological Educational Institute Of Thessaloniki G THESSAL12
70 University of Thessaly G VOLOS01
71 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek-UNIOS HR OSIJEK01
72 University of Zadar HR ZADAR01
73 University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zapresic HR ZAPRESI01
74 Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences HU BUDAPEST 45
75 University of Debrecen HU DEBRECEN 01
76 Szent Istvan Universtiy HU GOGOLLO 01
77 University of Szeged HU SZEGED01
78 Kodolanyi Janos Foiskola HU SZFVAR01
79 Universita Degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro I BARI01
80 University of Foggia I FOGGIA03
81 Universita Degli Studi di Firenze I FRENZE01
82 Milano University I MILAN01
83 Univeristy of Napoli I NAPOLI01
84 Universita Degli Studi " SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA" I NAPOLI04
85 Seconda Universita Degli Studi di Napoli I NAPOLI09
86 Conservatorio di Musica "Arrigo Boito" I PARMA02
87 Sapienza University of Rome I ROMA01
88 University of Salerno I SALERNO01
89 Sassari Universitesi I SASSARI01
90 Academia  Di Belle Arti INAPOLI06
91 Vytautas Magnus University LT KAUNAS01
92 Lietuvos Verslo Kolegija LT KLAIPED 07
93 Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences LT KLAIPED09
94 Northern Lıthuanıa College LT SIAULIA02
95 Siauliai State University SIAULIAI  LT SIAULIA03
96 Vilnius University LT VILNIUS01
97 Lithunian University of Educational Sciences LT VILNIUS04
98 Mykolas Romeris University LT VILNIUS06
99 Vilnius College of Design and Technologies LT VILNIUS14
100 Rezeknes Augskola LV REZEKNE02
101 Riga Technical University LV RIGA02
102 "St Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola MK BITOLA01
103 International Balkan University MK SKOPJE04
104 State University of Tetova MK TETOVO01
105 Rotterdam University NL ROTTERD03
106 Polytechnic Institute of Bragança P BARAGANC01
107 Universidade De Coimbra P COIMBRA01
108 Universidade de Evora P EVORA01
109 Polytechnıc Instıtute Of Guarda P GUARDA01
110 Unicversity of Porto P PORTO02
111 Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska PL BIALA01
112 Bıalystok Unıversity of Technology PL BIALYST01
113 Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy PL BYDGOSZ01
114 University of Technology and Life Sciences PL BYDGOSZ02
115 Czestochowa University of Technology PL CZESTOC01
116 The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz PL KALISZ01
117 Jagiellonian University in Krakow PL KRAKOW01
118 Pedagogical University of Cracow PL KRAKOW05
119 Powislanski College In Kwıdzyn PL KWIDZYN01
120 Universitt of Lodz PL LODZ01
121 University Janski Based in Lomza PL LOMZA04
122 Lublin University of Technology PL LUBLIN03
123 Vincent Pol University in Lublin PL LUBLIN08
124 University of Warmia and Mazury in OLSZTYN PL OLSZTYN01
125 Pomeranian University PL SLUPSK01
126 University of Szczecin PL SZCZECI01
127 West Pomeranian University of Technology PL SZCZECIN02
128 Nicolaus Copernicus University PL TORUN01
129 University of Warsaw PL WARZAW01
130 Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa we Wloclawku PL WLOCLAW02
121 "Vasile Alecsandri" University RO BACAU01
132 Transilvania University of Brasov RO BRASOV01
133 Ovidius University of Constanta RO CONSTAN02
134 Craiova University RO CRAIOVA01
135 University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova RO CRAIOVA02
136 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IASI RO IASI02
137 Technical University of Iasi "George Asachı" RO IASI05
138 University of Oreda RO ORADEA01
139 University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu RO TARGU02
140 West University of Timişoara RO TIMISOA01
141 Univeristy of Nish RS NIS01
142 International School for Social and Business Studies SI CELJE03
143 Ljubljana University SI LJUBLJA01
144 Marribor Universitesi SI MARIBOR01
145 University of Bredford UK BRADFORD01

Bu içerik 07.02.2019 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 56904 kez okundu.